A place to learn about the art of value investing, evolve your own approach to investing and meet people who are fascinated about investing.

If you invested Rs.10 Lakhs when you were 25 and following a value investing strategy, doubled your money every 3 years, how much does it become in 30 years?

Crore INR

Yes, that's right. Rs.100 Crore. And when you have that, you are in the World's 1% Elite and Wealthy People. If you don't believe us, you can calculate it yourself.

There are many ways to create great wealth in the modern world – inherit big wealth, marry up into a rich family, get into politics, build a startup etc.

Inherit big wealth

Marry up into a rich family

Get into politics

Be an Entrepreneur

But what if you are a young person who is just starting out and can’t do any of these?

What if you are a mid-life career oriented individual or person who wants to create great wealth and are wondering how to do it?

What if you are a business person who does not know where to invest their cash flow?

No Matter what your goal – either to create wealth for yourself or to understand companies better or economic concepts better, this course is for you.
Wanna know how you can get on that road – come join Coffee Can Club


Have you ever invested in stock market?

Over a period of 8 weekend classes, we will cover the following:

Week 1

Learn the fundamentals of investing in common man's language. Understand some common myths that mislead people - real estate is always safe. Gold is evergreen etc.,

Week 2

Understand yourself and understand bad mental habits that lead you to lose money in the stock market. At the same time, understand what style of investing is for you

Week 3

The World's most successful investors and their investing styles, habits, methods, tools and approaches - Warren Buffett, Ken Fisher, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, George Soros etc.,

Week 4

What are the various methods of investing and which one appeals to you or suits you? There is no one size fits all. How to preserve your money and also grow it at the same time? How can you use simple tools such as identifying biases (For e.g. confirmation bias) in thinking that will lead you astray

Week 5

What is value investing at its core? What are its principles? Why is it called the low-risk road to stupendous wealth.

Week 6

How to think about investing in companies as businesses instead of the wrong way as most of the world does? Data is not everything. How to use everyday story telling techniques and approaches to identify investment opportunities?

Week 7

How to become a range investor? Evolving your own investing style and what it takes to stay on top of it to ensure you are vigilant and focused.

Week 8

Managing, maintaining a portfolio of investments


Hi, my name is Krishna Jonnakadla.

I am a Chartered Accountant who is a self-trained investor. I have gone bust a couple of times in my life and built my investments and wealth from the grounds up everytime. What I realized was that if there was one skill that everyone who is serious and interested could learn, it was the skill of investing. It is a skill that comes in Handy through out your life, whether you are having a low patch in your career or need money for your goals and dreams or want to go on your own being tired of office politics.

While advanced form of investing takes time to master at which point it becomes an Art, everyone should get the basic skills right. And by that, it does not mean just reading a few reports, opening brokerage and trading accounts or hiring a wealth advisor etc.,

Did you know that if you had invested in the IPO of Maruti Udyog, you could have turned mere thousands into Lakhs of Rupees or if you had invested in the likes of D-Mart, you could have multiplied your income by multiple times. Well, Value investing is not about these things alone. Value investing is about learning the fundamentals of investing like master investors. Most people look at investing in the stock market as gambling as they don’t understand the fundamentals. What is a share? It is a share in a business. People understand things like Fixed Deposit and interest but feel confused when it comes to things like shares.

A share is also like a fixed deposit. Just like the bank pays interest on the fixed deposit thru its earnings on loans, shares pay dividend (in some cases) and go up in value when they generate returns consistently. Your role is just 3 fold – Understanding how to identify good companies, evaluate the cash flows and value they are going to generate and ascertain if the price is right. So, what we will do at Coffee Can Club is understand how to do all of these in 8 weeks. You will also be a part of the club which will meet on a periodic basis to exchange views and perspectives that will enrich each other. Think of it as the best club you can ever have dreamt to be a part of

This is where I want you to meet me. With my expertise, I am going to tell you how to spot an opportunity, invest in it and create wealth. You do not have to be a millionaire to start. A few hundred rupee notes are all you need to start investing. If done right, these hundred rupee bills will convert to several thousand and lakhs in years to come. I have changed my life, and now I want you to take action for yourself. Are you ready?

Classes start soon and have limited seats. Click the batch you want to join. Every Saturday, starting Aug 3, 2019 to Oct 5, 2019 and the other one being Aug 4, 2019 to Oct 6, 2019


Every Saturday
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Every Sunday
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Enerjuvate Cafe & Studio


Value investing is an investment strategy which involves investing in stocks that appear to be trading at rates lower than their potential. The market tends to overreact to the business news, bringing down the value of a stock to a point that does not resonate with the long term goals of the company. This market reaction gives an opportunity to value traders to invest in underrated stocks and make money in the long run.

Most courses today promise to make you a master in days. Unfortunately, we don’t and will never make that claim. It takes time to understand the basics, let alone master them. Did you know that there are only 3 golden rules of accounting and if you master them, you can understand and analyse lots of financial statements. However, there are tens and hundreds of ways to read financial statements.


The course is aimed at helping everyone to build their knowledge from the ground up. Therefore, it covers everything that is there to know about value investing. Since the students come from various backgrounds and varying age, it is imperative that the course gives everyone enough time to catch up on the technicalities of value investing.

Online is a great medium but offline is the best medium. The course is actually a precursor to the members of this club meeting on a periodic basis to present their own views and models and share what has worked for them. Further, offline mode, we all learn from each other’s questions, comments and interactions. I also believe that the offline mode allows for better communication between the peers and the coach. Moreover, a classroom mode will help you in clearing the doubts and learning the advanced techniques with more clarity.

It is called Coffee Can Club because once you take the course, you become a life-long member of this club. We will get together once or twice year to discuss our investment concepts and methods and share what works with each other. Think of this as our own old boys club and network. Building one early or any point of time in your life and with people of this kind of mindset will help you immensely.

Yes, the course is in person. This course will not be offered online.

Yes, you can. The course will start with the fundamentals of finance, and help you build an understanding from the ground level.

We are unable to offer you a discount since the course fee covers cost of the venue, refreshments and the cost of material. Don’t look at the price you are paying, look at the value you get. If you are still unconvinced, get in touch with us and we will share a list of 50+ books and 100+ talks that you can listen to and evolve your own investing philosophy and method.

Value investing is a proven way to make money. PLEASE NOTE THAT IT IS NOT A GET RICH QUICK SCHEME, but with smart work, patience and knowledge of trading and market, you can definitely generate a good amount of wealth within a few years.

To make money on the stock market, the first thing you need is to understand the fundamentals. Next, you need the knowledge to understand how and why market reacts to certain news and what makes the prices of the stock go up and down so quickly and so much. And then you need certain behavioural decisions – patience, staying the course, making quick course corrections when your investment thesis turns our wrong etc., This course will help you understand everything.

Yes, the course will take you through concepts that are relevant to evolving your own investing style and thesis. You will be taught the basics, as well as relevant advanced concepts of economics and how to use them to your advantage.

To make money on the stock market, the first thing you need is to understand the fundamentals. Next, you need the knowledge to understand how and why market reacts to certain news and what makes the prices of the stock go up and down so quickly and so much. And then you need certain behavioural decisions – patience, staying the course, making quick course corrections when your investment thesis turns our wrong etc., This course will help you understand everything.

By the end of the course, you will find yourself equipped with enough knowledge to invest your first thousand rupees in the stock market. You will be much more confident, and comfortable deciphering the market news for your benefit.

Unfortunately, we can’t help it if you skip a class. While we do not recommend to skip a class, we understand that there can be unavoidable situations which can stop you from coming to a class. In such a case, we request you to contact us here before the class. We can share the material with you but don’t expect the same outcome you would have if you were part of the class.

By the end of the course, you will have made your own notes to understand the nuances of the trading. Also, you will be provided with enough resources for your reading and reference to take your journey to the next level. The course also includes case studies and examples form some of the best-known value investors like Warren Buffet, which will help you in understanding the concepts better.

Yes, you may take the course. It always helps refreshing fundamentals and finetuning your understanding.

Right now, we are considering hosting the course at Enerjuvate, KR Road, Jayanagar. It will be done in 2 batches – Saturday afternoons and Sunday afternoons. Choose a course that works for you.

Just a pen, a notepad, a great attitude and an open mind.

No matter where you are in your life, you will become so much more richer a person when you become a part of Coffee Can Club.

Copyrights – Coffee Can Club – All Rights Reserved.